October 7th, 2003, 20:24
Ok what am i doing wrong here... this is driving me absolutely crazy...
i keep getting access denied even though the url is ?did=bsd0 or ?did=bsd=Any News Number
if you need more info let me know.
if ($did == '')
$id = substr($did,4); # did format = xxxxyyyy where xxxx = board type (bsd,proj,admi, etc.), yyyy.. = board ID
$strid = addslashes($id);
$id = checkint($id);
$head = substr($did,0,4); # read out first 4 chars (bsd, proj, tomo, admi etc..)
$head = checkstr($head);
$thread = checkint($thread);
$disp = checkint($disp);
$re = checkint($re);
$limit = checkint($limit);
# recompose $did to get the syntactically valid value
$did = $head . $id;
# let's check if $id is valid in database of news/projects, or if it's bsd0 (main board)
$row->title = '';
$q = 'N/A';
if ($head == 'bsd' and $id == 0)
$row->title = $bsd_project_name;
else if ($head == 'bsd')
$q = "SELECT title FROM news WHERE id = $id";
else if ($head == 'tman')
$q = "SELECT subject AS title FROM taskmanager WHERE id = $id";
else if ($head == 'gale')
$q = "SELECT fname AS title FROM uploads WHERE id = $id";
else if ($head == 'mult')
$_nasiel = false;
$__i = 0;
while (!$_nasiel AND $__i < sizeof($bsd_boards))
if (substr($bsd_boards[$__i],0,24) == $strid)
$_nasiel = true;
$row->title = $bsd_boards[$__i];
$did = $head . $strid;
else if ($head == 'proj')
$q = "SELECT name AS title FROM projects WHERE id = $id";
else if ($head == 'poll')
$q = "SELECT question AS title FROM polls WHERE id = $id";
else if ($head == 'faqs')
$q = "SELECT title FROM faqs WHERE id = $id";
else if ($head == 'tomo' AND $id == 0)
$row->title = $theme_subj;
else if ($head == 'admi' AND ((auth('wbncu') AND $id == 2) OR (auth('bncu') AND $id == 1) OR (auth('ncu') AND $id == 0)))
{ $row->title = $adm_board_names[$id]; }
exit('</td></tr></table><p><b>'.flecho("access denied",$es_accessdenied).'</b></body></html>');
if (
$row->title OR ($result = mysql_db_query($bsd_database,$q,$mysql) AND $row = mysql_fetch_object($result))
October 7th, 2003, 20:53
btw i got a php error saying : [error] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: did on line 7 here's the complete file
function mystripslashes($x)
$subject = substr($did,4);
$bsd_cleanpage = true;
$bsd_board = true;
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=4 width="98%" align=center valign=top border=0>
<TD bgColor="<? echo $bsd_fontcolor2; ?>">
<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=4 width="100%" border=0>
<TD bgColor="<? echo $bsd_choicebar; ?>">
<CENTER><b>Message Board Activity:</b>
<TD bgColor="<? echo $bsd_bgcolor3; ?>">
function rmesg($dispre)
global $lastx;
global $mysql;
global $id;
global $did;
global $bsd_database;
global $closed;
global $wb_table_bg2;
global $wb_table_bg;
global $sum_disp;
if ($dispre == 0)
$qrym = "SELECT id,grp,re,dat,did
FROM wb WHERE did = '$did' and re = $dispre order by dat desc";
$q = mysql_db_query($bsd_database,$qrym,$mysql);
if (mysql_num_rows($q) > 0)
echo "<table width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0><tr>
<td class=bsdnormal bgcolor=$wb_table_bg>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td class=bsdnormal>";
while ($mymsg = mysql_fetch_row($q) AND $sum_disp < 1000)
list($msgid,$msgrp,$msgre,$msgdat,$msgdid) = $mymsg;
echo "</td></tr></table>";
function mesg($disp, $dont_show = 0)
global $bsd_smileys;
global $bsd_level;
global $bsd_database;
global $lastx;
global $closed;
global $mysql;
global $id;
global $did;
global $thread;
global $wb_table_bg;
global $wb_table_bg2;
global $wb_font_color;
global $user_levels;
global $es_disabled, $es_erase, $es_postedby, $es_replytothis, $es_enable, $es_disable, $es_thrposts;
$qrym = "SELECT userlevel,id,grp,subj,txt,re,ip,dat,meno,email,did ,hide
FROM wb WHERE did = '$did' and id = $disp";
$q = mysql_db_query($bsd_database,$qrym,$mysql);
if ($q == false)
if ( $mymsg = mysql_fetch_row($q) )
list($msguserlevel,$msgid,$msgrp,$msgsubj,$msgtxt, $msgre,$msgip,$msgdat,$msgmeno,$msgemail,$msgdid,$ msghide) = $mymsg;
$msgsubj = mystripslashes($msgsubj);
$msgtxt = codetag(mystripslashes(nl2br($msgtxt)),TRUE);
$msgmeno = mystripslashes($msgmeno);
$msgemail = mystripslashes($msgemail);
if ($msguserlevel >= 0)
$msgultxt = '('.$user_levels[$msguserlevel].')';
$ipx = '*'.substr($msgip,strpos($msgip,'.'));
$dist = '';
if ($msghide == 1 AND auth('bncu'))
$dist = '<i>'.flecho('disabled',$es_disabled).'</i> ';
if ($msghide == 0 OR auth('bncu'))
echo "<table width=100% border=0 cellpadding=4 cellspacing=0>";
echo "<tr><td class=bsdsmall nowrap bgcolor=$wb_table_bg>";
echo flecho('Posted by',$es_postedby). " <a href=user.php?name=".rawurlencode($msgmeno).">$msg meno</a>
$msgultxt $ipx - ".datetime_tz($msgdat)."
</td></tr><tr><td class=bsdnormal bgcolor=$wb_table_bg>
$dist <span class=bsdbig>$msgsubj</span></td></tr>
<tr><td class=bsdnormal bgcolor=$wb_table_bg2 >";
# echo buildHypertext($msgtxt);
echo $msgtxt;
echo "</td></tr><tr><td class=bsdnormal bgcolor=$wb_table_bg>";
if ($dont_show=='0')
echo "<table width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td class=bsdmenu><a href=board.php?did=".rawurlencode($did)."&newre=$m sgid&closed=$closed&thread=$thread>
".flecho('reply to this message',$es_replytothis)."</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;";
echo "</td><td align=right class=bsdmenu>";
if (auth('ncu'))
echo "<a href=board.del.php?delid=$msgid&delth=$thread&did= ".rawurlencode($did).">".flecho('erase',$es_erase) ."</a>";
if (auth('bncu'))
if ($thread == $msgid AND ($did == 'bsd0' OR substr($did,0,4) == 'mult') ) # move only whole thread, allow move for nonadmin threads
echo " * <a href=board.move.php?delid=$msgid&delth=$thread&did =".rawurlencode($did).">".flecho('move',$es_movemo ve)."</a>";;
if ($dist)
echo " * <a href=board.del.php?delid=$msgid&delth=$thread&did= ".rawurlencode($did)."&eunhide=1>".flecho('enable' ,$es_enable)."</a>";
echo " * <a href=board.del.php?delid=$msgid&delth=$thread&did= ".rawurlencode($did)."&ehide=1>".flecho('disable', $es_disable)."</a>";
echo "</td></tr></table>";
} # endif dont_show
echo "</td></tr></table>";
if ($closed == 0 OR $closed == 2 AND $dont_show == 0)
if ($thread)
{ echo "<br>".flecho('this thread posts',$es_thrposts).":<br>";
function dispmsg($dispre,$limit,$thr) # displayes recursively thread
global $bsd_smileys;
global $bsd_level;
global $bsd_database;
global $lastx;
global $mysql;
global $id;
global $did;
global $disp;
global $closed;
global $mnum;
global $wb_table_bg;
global $wb_table_bg2;
global $lastdat;
global $lastthread;
global $thread;
global $user_levels;
global $es_subject, $es_author, $es_by, $es_date, $es_lastpost, $es_nrofposts, $es_disabled, $es_replytothis, $es_erase, $es_enable, $es_disable;
if ($limit > 100)
$limit = 100;
if ($dispre == 0 AND $closed == 1)
echo "<table width=90% border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1>
<tr><td class=bsdnormal bgcolor=$wb_table_bg>";
echo "<table border=0 width=100% cellspacing=1 cellpadding=2>
<td class=bsdsmall bgcolor=$wb_table_bg>".flecho('subject',$es_subjec t)."</td>
<td class=bsdsmall bgcolor=$wb_table_bg>".flecho('author',$es_author) ."</td>
<td class=bsdsmall nowrap bgcolor=$wb_table_bg>".flecho('date',$es_date)."</td>
<td class=bsdsmall nowrap bgcolor=$wb_table_bg>".flecho('last post',$es_lastpost)."</td>
<td class=bsdsmall></td>
<td class=bsdsmall bgcolor=$wb_table_bg>".flecho('nr. of posts',$es_nrofposts)."</td>
if ($thr)
$thrand = " and id = $thread ";
if (! $disp)
$limit = $lastx;
$qrym = "SELECT userlevel,id,grp,subj,txt,re,ip,dat,meno,email,did ,thread,hide
FROM wb WHERE did = '$did' and re = $dispre $thrand order by dat desc
limit 0,$limit";
if ($q = mysql_db_query($bsd_database,$qrym,$mysql))
if (mysql_num_rows($q) > 0)
if ($closed == 0 OR $closed == 2)
echo "<ul>\n";
while ($mymsg = mysql_fetch_row($q))
list($msguserlevel,$msgid,$msgrp,$msgsubj,$msgtxt, $msgre,$msgip,$msgdat,$msgmeno,$msgemail,$msgdid,$ msgth,$msghide) = $mymsg;
# other pre-design for top level posts (not responses)
if ($dispre == 0 AND $thr == 0 AND $closed == 0)
echo "<table width=90% border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=3>
<tr><td class=bsdnormal bgcolor=$wb_table_bg2>";
$spcflg[0] = "";
$spcflg[1] = "";
if ($msgre == 0)
$lastthread = $msgid;
$msgsubj = mystripslashes($msgsubj);
$msgmeno = mystripslashes($msgmeno);
$msgtxt = mystripslashes($msgtxt);
# [code tag]
$msgtext = codetag($msgtxt,TRUE);
if ($msguserlevel >= 0)
$msgultxt = '('.$user_levels[$msguserlevel].')';
$ipx = '*'.substr($msgip,strpos($msgip,'.'));
if ($msgth)
$msgth1 = $msgth;
$msgth1 = $msgid;
########## which, which way, to display? this code is weird. and it needs to be reworked. I know ...
if ($closed == 1) # for collapsed, display all subjects in table
if ($msgdat > $lastdat)
$lastdat = $msgdat;
if ($dispre == 0)
if ($msghide == 0 OR auth('bncu'))
echo "<tr><td class=bsdnormal bgcolor=$wb_table_bg>";
if ($msghide == 1)
echo "<i>".flecho('disabled',$es_disabled)."</i> ";
echo "<span class=bsdboardctitle><a href=board.php?thread=$msgid&did=".rawurlencode($d id)."&disp=$msgid&closed=1>$msgsubj</a></span>
<td class=bsdsmall bgcolor=$wb_table_bg>
<a href=user.php?name=$msgmeno>$msgmeno</a> </td>
<td class=bsdsmall nowrap bgcolor=$wb_table_bg>
.date_tz("M/d, H:i",$msgdat)." </td>";
else if ($closed == 0) # for unpacked
$litype = 'disc';
if (! ($dispre == 0 AND $thr == 0 AND $closed == 0))
echo "<li type=$litype>";
$disp = '';
if ($msghide == 1)
if (auth('bncu'))
lecho("the message is not available ",$es_msgnotavru);
$disp = '<i>'.flecho('disabled',$es_disabled).'</i> ';
if ($msghide == 0 OR auth('bncu'))
echo "$disp <b>$spcflg[0] $msgsubj $spcflg[1] </b><br>
(".flecho('by',$es_by)." <a href=user.php?name=".rawurlencode($msgmeno).">$msg meno</a> $msgultxt "
echo codetag(mystripslashes(nl2br($msgtxt)));
echo "<br>";
echo "<div align=right class=bsdmenu><a href=board.php?did=".rawurlencode($did)."&newre=$m sgid&closed=$closed&thread=$msgth1>".flecho('reply to this message',$es_replytothis)."</a> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
if (auth('ncu'))
echo "<span class=bsdmenu><a href=board.del.php?delid=$msgid&delth=$msgth1&did= ".rawurlencode($did).">".flecho('erase',$es_erase) ."</a></span>";
if (auth('bncu'))
if ($msghide == 0)
echo " * <span class=bsdmenu><a href=board.del.php?delid=$msgid&delth=$msgth1&did= ".rawurlencode($did)."&ehide=1>".flecho('disable', $es_disable)."</a></span>";
echo " * <span class=bsdmenu><a href=board.del.php?delid=$msgid&delth=$msgth1&did= ".rawurlencode($did)."&eunhide=1>".flecho('enable' ,$es_enable)."</a></span>";
echo "</div>";
} # endif msghide==0...
} # endif closed==0
else if ($closed == 2) # old style mode print
echo "<li type=square>";
if ($msghide == 0 OR auth('bncu'))
if ($msghide == 1)
echo "<i>".flecho('disabled',$es_disabled)."</i> ";
echo "<a href=board.php?disp=$msgid&did=".rawurlencode($did )."&closed=$closed&thread=$msgth1><b>$msgsubj</b></a>
(".flecho('by',$es_by)." <a href=user.php?name=".rawurlencode($msgmeno).">$msg meno</a> ".datetime_tz($msgdat).")<br>";
if ( ! (($closed == 2 OR $closed == 0) AND $msghide == 1 AND auth('bncu')==FALSE ) )
if ($dispre == 0 and $closed == 1)
if ($msghide == 0 OR auth('bncu'))
echo "<td class=bsdsmall align=left nowrap bgcolor=$wb_table_bg>";
# MODIFIED 26.6.2002, check for seen threads added
# get correct cookie value pair, global cookie first
global $bsd_bt;
$__bt = getcookieval($bsd_bt, $msgid);
echo "".date_tz("M/d, H:i",$lastdat)."";
if ($lastdat > $__bt)
echo "</td><td class=bsdnormal><img src=new.gif width=28 height=11>";
echo "</td><td class=bsdnormal>";
echo "</td><td class=bsdsmall align=right bgcolor=$wb_table_bg><b>&nbsp;$mnum&nbsp;</b></td></tr>";
$mnum = 0;
$lastdat = 0;
# main posts - footer
if ($dispre == 0 AND $thr == 0 AND $closed == 0)
echo "</td></tr></table><p>";
if ($closed == 0 OR $closed == 2)
echo "</ul>\n";
} # end mysql quer ok
} # end while mysql fetch
if ($dispre == 0 && $closed == 1)
echo "</table></td></tr></table>";
# start of the board main code
# input - discussion ID string (?did=...)
if ($did == '')
$id = substr($did,4); # did format = xxxxyyyy where xxxx = board type (bsd,proj,admi, etc.), yyyy.. = board ID
$strid = addslashes($id);
$id = checkint($id);
$head = substr($did,0,4); # read out first 4 chars (bsd, proj, tomo, admi etc..)
$head = checkstr($head);
$thread = checkint($thread);
$disp = checkint($disp);
$re = checkint($re);
$limit = checkint($limit);
# recompose $did to get the syntactically valid value
$did = $head . $id;
# let's check if $id is valid in database of news/projects, or if it's bsd0 (main board)
# let's build a right query to check if it's valid
$row->title = '';
$q = 'N/A';
if ($head == 'bsd' and $id == 0)
$row->title = $bsd_project_name;
else if ($head == 'bsd')
$q = "SELECT title FROM news WHERE id = $id";
else if ($head == 'tman')
$q = "SELECT subject AS title FROM taskmanager WHERE id = $id";
else if ($head == 'gale')
$q = "SELECT fname AS title FROM uploads WHERE id = $id";
else if ($head == 'mult')
# we can't check if mult board is available in bsd_boards
# via in_array function, because on;y first 24 characters are used for a board
# definition, thus regular loop is used
$_nasiel = false;
$__i = 0;
while (!$_nasiel AND $__i < sizeof($bsd_boards))
if (substr($bsd_boards[$__i],0,24) == $strid)
$_nasiel = true;
$row->title = $bsd_boards[$__i];
$did = $head . $strid;
else if ($head == 'proj')
$q = "SELECT name AS title FROM projects WHERE id = $id";
#else if ($head == 'nlet') # newsletter entry- cereal
# $q = "SELECT Title AS title FROM Newsletter WHERE ID = $id";
else if ($head == 'poll')
$q = "SELECT question AS title FROM polls WHERE id = $id";
else if ($head == 'faqs')
$q = "SELECT title FROM faqs WHERE id = $id";
else if ($head == 'tomo' AND $id == 0)
$row->title = $theme_subj;
else if ($head == 'admi' AND ((auth('wbncu') AND $id == 2) OR (auth('bncu') AND $id == 1) OR (auth('ncu') AND $id == 0)))
{ $row->title = $adm_board_names[$id]; }
exit('</td></tr></table><p><b>'.flecho("access denied",$es_accessdenied).'</b></body></html>');
if (
$row->title OR ($result = mysql_db_query($bsd_database,$q,$mysql) AND $row = mysql_fetch_object($result))
if ($head == 'tman')
$row->title = $row->subject;
# prints out menu of board (post, etc.)
if ($row->title)
echo "<p class=bsdbig><a href=board.php?did=".rawurlencode($did)."&closed=$ closed&lastx=$lastx>".htmlspecialchars_mb($row->title)."</a> : ".flecho('message board',$es_board)."</p>";
# switches :
# if $newmsg - values of a new message were posted
# if $newre - user wants to post a reply
$lastx = (int)$lastx;
if ($lastx > 100)
$lastx = 100;
if ($dsbl)
if ($search)
else if ($newmsg) # received the values for a new message in form/POST?
$msubj = trim($_POST['msubj']);
$mtxt = $_POST['mtxt'];
if ($msubj and $mtxt and $bsd_logged)
$mtxt = myaddslashes($mtxt);
$msubj = myaddslashes(htmlentities_mb($msubj));
$meno = myaddslashes(htmlentities_mb($bsd_login));
$email = myaddslashes(htmlentities_mb($bsd_email));
$cur_time = time();
$q_flood = "SELECT lastboard FROM people WHERE id = $bsd_id ";
$result_flood = mysql_db_query($bsd_database_auth,$q_flood,$mysql) ;
$row_flood = mysql_fetch_object($result_flood);
# board antiflood -> user must be >= 5, or the post timestamp must be
# higher than last one's plus required pause
if (auth('bncu') OR $cur_time > $row_flood->lastboard + $bsd_flood_board)
$ddat = (int)$ddat;
# check against nonintentional reload/refresh of the page with posting a same values again
if ( ($ddat > $cur_time) OR ($ddat < $cur_time - 3600) )
$ddat = $cur_time;
$query_chk = "SELECT email,dat FROM wb where
email like '$email' and dat = $ddat";
$q_chk = mysql_db_query($bsd_database,$query_chk,$mysql);
if (mysql_num_rows($q_chk) == 0)
$ipx = gethostbyaddr($REMOTE_ADDR);
$newthread = (int)$newthread;
if ($re)
$qhide = "SELECT hide FROM wb WHERE id = $re";
$qhiders = mysql_db_query($bsd_database,$qhide,$mysql);
$rowhide = mysql_fetch_object($qhiders);
$rowhide = true;
if ($rowhide == FALSE OR $rowhide->hide == 1)
lecho("sorry, you can't reply to the message, which has been disabled, deleted or doesn't exist.",$es_errbrdnoexist);
echo "<p>";
$__go = TRUE;
# when was this news/sms posted?
if ( (auth('bncu') == FALSE) AND ($id > 0) AND ($head == 'bsd' OR $head == 'poll'))
if ($head == 'poll')
$__q = "SELECT dat FROM polls WHERE id = $id";
$__q = "SELECT dat FROM news WHERE id = $id";
$__qd = mysql_db_query($bsd_database,$__q,$mysql);
$__qr = mysql_fetch_object($__qd);
if (time() > $__qr->dat + 60*60*24*90) # 90 days enabled to post the news after article was released
$__go = FALSE;
if ($__go)
# compare with des_encoded value, if correct, post..
if ( chprot($_POST['prot']) )
$qrym = "INSERT INTO wb (userlevel,grp,subj,txt,re,ip,dat,meno,email,did,t hread)
values ($bsd_level,$id,'$msubj','$mtxt',$re,'$ipx',$ddat, '$meno','$email','$did',$newthread)";
$qm = mysql_db_query($bsd_database,$qrym,$mysql);
# update lastboard field in people for an antiflood protection
$q_flood = "UPDATE people SET lastboard = $cur_time WHERE id = $bsd_id ";
$result_flood = mysql_db_query($bsd_database_auth,$q_flood,$mysql) ;
} # end if - check for reply to non existing or disabled message
} # end if not reload of the page
} # end if not flood
echo "<b>";
lecho("Sorry, you can't post another board post sooner than in $bsd_flood_board seconds after the last one.",$es_errbrdwait);
echo "</b><p>";
lecho("couldn't add message: subject or text was not defined",$es_brdnotdef);
echo "<p>";
if ($newre != "")
$newre = (int)$newre;
if ($bsd_logged)
if ($newre != 0)
$xq = "SELECT id,subj FROM wb WHERE id = $newre";
$xqry = mysql_db_query($bsd_database,$xq,$mysql);
list($id,$resubj) = mysql_fetch_row($xqry);
if ( substr($resubj,0,3) != 'Re:' )
$resubj = "Re: ".mystripslashes($resubj);
$resubj = mystripslashes($resubj);
mesg($_GET[newre], '1'); #shows the message that your replying to
echo "<form action=\"board.php\" method=post>
<table width=100% border=0>
<tr><td class=bsdnormal>".flecho("short subject of message (required)",$es_brdshsubj)."</td>
<td class=bsdnormal><input type=text value=\"$resubj\" name=msubj></td></tr>
<tr><td class=bsdnormal>".flecho("text of message (required)",$es_brdtexp)."</td>
<td class=bsdnormal><textarea cols=60 rows=10 name=mtxt></textarea></td></tr>
<tr><td class=bsdnormal></td>
<td class=bsdnormal><input type=submit class=submitinput value=\" ".flecho('submit',$es_submit)." \"></td></tr>
<input type=hidden name=newthread value=$thread>
<input type=hidden name=re value=$newre>
<input type=hidden name=did value=\"".htmlspecialchars_mb($did)."\">
<input type=hidden name=closed value=$closed>
<input type=hidden name=ddat value=".time().">
<input type=hidden name=newmsg value=yes>
<input type=hidden name=prot value=\"".prot()."\">
echo "<b>";
lecho("You must be <a href=register.php>registered</a> and <a href=index.php>logged</a>",$es_reglog);
echo " ";
lecho("to post the post at this board.",$es_brdtopost);
echo "</b>";
} #
else if (!$search)
# not a new message code => display
$sum_disp = 0;
if ($disp != "") # print message
if ($closed == 1)
else if ($closed == 0 OR $closed == 2)
# display recursively thread
if ($limit == "" OR $limit == 0)
$limit = 80;
echo "<b>".flecho('error in ID definition, required board doesn\'t exist',$es_erroridbrd)."</b><p>";