February 18th, 2004, 11:29
Why isn't doscmd a port? Why is it part of core FreeBSD?

February 18th, 2004, 12:04
I really have no idea. I wasn't even aware of the doscmd until you mentioned it. Seems like it would be in /usr/ports/emulators. I guess a lot of people need it thus why it's in the base system?

February 18th, 2004, 16:47
Wow, I had never heard of that untill it being mentioned here. What an odd thing. I personally need a unixcmd for DOS, cause whenever I have to use a DOS command line ( and gladly those are rare cases), I can never find my way around, to use to working in a real shell!

Guess they are probably incuding it in the base system to ease people during the transition from MS world to BSD....


February 18th, 2004, 17:58
indeed... no idea that was there... like krusty i need cygwin or something like that.. preferable ssh.. thats a horrible thing to see...

March 9th, 2004, 19:13
I really have no idea. I wasn't even aware of the doscmd until you mentioned it. Seems like it would be in /usr/ports/emulators. I guess a lot of people need it thus why it's in the base system?

A lot of people need perl but on FreeBSD 5 it was made a port.

March 9th, 2004, 19:20
Wow, I had never heard of that untill it being mentioned here. What an odd thing. I personally need a unixcmd for DOS, cause whenever I have to use a DOS command line ( and gladly those are rare cases), I can never find my way around, to use to working in a real shell!

Guess they are probably incuding it in the base system to ease people during the transition from MS world to BSD....


That's really funny. Claiming an MS-DOS emulator can be used to transition people from the MS world. I think GNOME would be a better choice for that.

The really sad part is that /etc/make.conf can't be used to make doscmd go away.

Also this is really cute:

$ grep X11 /usr/src/usr.bin/doscmd/Makefile
XLIBDIR= ${DESTDIR}${X11BASE}/lib/aout
.if !defined(NO_X) && exists(${XINCDIR}/X11/X.h) && exists(${XLIBDIR}/libX11.a)
DPADD+= ${XLIBDIR}/libX11.a

What other core program uses X?

March 24th, 2004, 10:21
while updating my -CURRENT box today... i saw:

Delete src/usr.bin/doscmd

alont w/ all the other doscmd files... perhaps it's gone forever now in the base.. it truely wont be missed..

March 25th, 2004, 00:23
doscmd was never part of FreeBSD on my alpha boxes :)

The reason Perl5 was made a port was because a) it was never really part of BSD and b) it was hard to keep up with Perl releases. People are writing things that only work in Perl5.6 or later. The reason it was put into base in the first place was because so many people were using it.

April 7th, 2004, 15:08

Revision 1.10, Tue Mar 23 22:27:24 2004 UTC (2 weeks ago) by des
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.9: +1 -1 lines

Remove doscmd from the base system now that it lives in the ports tree.

Revision 1.1 / (download) - annotate - [select for diffs], Tue Mar 23 22:25:58 2004 UTC (2 weeks ago) by des
Branch: MAIN

The doscmd utility, which until now has been part of the base system.

I can't wait for 5.3 :P