July 18th, 2004, 11:01
i'm thinking about setting up several full jails or various light/full jails, but i don't know what would be the best way to do it - such as to jail almost all deamons separately and what to do if i'd like to update same parts of several jails?
so i'd like to have this:
1. ssh, trusted users can ssh and use some progs (mutt, elinks, irssi, silc,...).
they should be able to check their mail in ssh, ie via mutt
they also have their web site
2. scponly, untrusted users can only scp/sftp to their www dirs
3. jailed postfix with mysql
4. jailed apache, i'd like to have dirs somewhere out of the jail
i was thinking about nullfs to mount such as www dirs in apache jail... the same way for mounting www dirs into jailed ssh...
well, what about logging?... this scenario is for me, i'd like to log all logs from all jails in one place.
what would be the best way, what put in jail and how to share data between them?
if i have various i'd like to make as easy as it could be - upgrading progs or all jails.
thanks for replies.
i'm thinking about setting up several full jails or various light/full jails, but i don't know what would be the best way to do it - such as to jail almost all deamons separately and what to do if i'd like to update same parts of several jails?
so i'd like to have this:
1. ssh, trusted users can ssh and use some progs (mutt, elinks, irssi, silc,...).
they should be able to check their mail in ssh, ie via mutt
they also have their web site
2. scponly, untrusted users can only scp/sftp to their www dirs
3. jailed postfix with mysql
4. jailed apache, i'd like to have dirs somewhere out of the jail
i was thinking about nullfs to mount such as www dirs in apache jail... the same way for mounting www dirs into jailed ssh...
well, what about logging?... this scenario is for me, i'd like to log all logs from all jails in one place.
what would be the best way, what put in jail and how to share data between them?
if i have various i'd like to make as easy as it could be - upgrading progs or all jails.
thanks for replies.