April 27th, 2006, 00:23
I have 2 questions:

I'm runing X on a dual PIII 1.2ghz Xeon with 1 GB of Ram. I have an Nvidia FX 5500 video card

X.org is configured for XINERAMA and I have 2 CRTs connected to the video card. I am currently using the Nvidia drivers from Nvidia without issue.

1. OpenGL screensavers just run like a dog. I'm lucky to get 12fps on most. Are these screensavers that intensive? Anyone have a similar setup and know of performance tweaks for running OpenGL on Nvidia cards? Am I just stuck watching a sparse OpenGL Matrix at 8fps?

2. Has anyone been playing around with Composite in X? What about xcompmgr and transset-df? Anyone have configs to share?

April 30th, 2006, 17:20
I have 2 questions:

I'm runing X on a dual PIII 1.2ghz Xeon with 1 GB of Ram. I have an Nvidia FX 5500 video card

X.org is configured for XINERAMA and I have 2 CRTs connected to the video card. I am currently using the Nvidia drivers from Nvidia without issue.

1. OpenGL screensavers just run like a dog. I'm lucky to get 12fps on most. Are these screensavers that intensive? Anyone have a similar setup and know of performance tweaks for running OpenGL on Nvidia cards? Am I just stuck watching a sparse OpenGL Matrix at 8fps?

Display size may make a difference. What are you running at, 1600x1200? Maybe try something lower and see what happens.

Google found me
Option "RenderAccel" "true"
along with a warning that this is experimental.

2. Has anyone been playing around with Composite in X? What about xcompmgr and transset-df? Anyone have configs to share?

My coworker did a little bit ago. It was rather slow - could this be related to question 1?