January 16th, 2007, 11:55
Hopefully someone can answer this in 2 seconds!!!
According to the PF manual page:
The options that can be given to the log keyword are
Causes the UNIX user-id and group-id that owns the socket that the packet is sourced from/destined to (whichever socket is local) to be logged along with the standard log information.
However I have been unable to find/view the UserID information?
For instance, I have experimented with pf rule:
block out log (user) quick on $ext_if inet from any to <rfc1918_ip>
Using tcpdump -n -e -ttt -r /var/log/pflog I get:
Jan 16 16:33:39.857471 rule 6/(match) block out on xl0: > icmp: echo request
Jan 16 16:33:40.860139 rule 6/(match) block out on xl0: > icmp: echo request
Jan 16 16:33:41.870092 rule 6/(match) block out on xl0: > icmp: echo request
I've read man page for tcpdump and pf but to no avail? Can anyone help me please?:redface:
In case you are wondering, I have a shared internet connection, and I would like to have at least some form of audit trail, UserID - IP address visited (all users will be informed). Also not being used to collect user data (snaplen kept short etc). Maybe someone else has had this problem, I would be grateful to hear your solutions
Hopefully someone can answer this in 2 seconds!!!
According to the PF manual page:
The options that can be given to the log keyword are
Causes the UNIX user-id and group-id that owns the socket that the packet is sourced from/destined to (whichever socket is local) to be logged along with the standard log information.
However I have been unable to find/view the UserID information?
For instance, I have experimented with pf rule:
block out log (user) quick on $ext_if inet from any to <rfc1918_ip>
Using tcpdump -n -e -ttt -r /var/log/pflog I get:
Jan 16 16:33:39.857471 rule 6/(match) block out on xl0: > icmp: echo request
Jan 16 16:33:40.860139 rule 6/(match) block out on xl0: > icmp: echo request
Jan 16 16:33:41.870092 rule 6/(match) block out on xl0: > icmp: echo request
I've read man page for tcpdump and pf but to no avail? Can anyone help me please?:redface:
In case you are wondering, I have a shared internet connection, and I would like to have at least some form of audit trail, UserID - IP address visited (all users will be informed). Also not being used to collect user data (snaplen kept short etc). Maybe someone else has had this problem, I would be grateful to hear your solutions