September 25th, 2003, 20:52

At work one of our webhosting servers which has been running 4.6 needed a kernal upgrade due to the lack of stability posed by the older kernal, I updated the source tree using cvsup with the stable-supfile, went through all that then went and did a config on my kernal, cd'ed to the make directory, did a make clean, make depend, make and then nearing the bottom of the make I come across this error;

make: don't know how to make _manpages. Stop
*** Error code 2

Stop in /usr/src/sys/modules.
*** Error code 1

After doing another cvsup today from another server, I still get the same error during my compile :(, Of all the things not to be making it had to be something I don't care much for like manpages. Would anyone have any solutions?, as this is a live box and I'd like to get her running some current source asap :)

Thanks - dave

September 25th, 2003, 21:07

have you tried moving your kernel conf file to a home dir and rm -rf 'ing the /usr/src dir.. re-cvsup and do your kernel..

i was looking for a option to disable making man pages but the only one available i saw was to disable compressing them.

PS. What the hell do man pages gotta do w/ a kernel

September 25th, 2003, 21:52
i was looking for a option to disable making man pages but the only one available i saw was to disable compressing them.

You could probably edit /usr/src/share/mk/bsd.man.mk to make _manpages a bogus target. There are a few vars used in there, maybe one of them actually makes _manpages a bogus target, i didn't look too closely.

Might be easier to edit the main Makefile to remove _manpages as a requirement for the target you're actually working on.

September 25th, 2003, 22:14
Heh, It's friday morning and I'm not thinking.... Been too used to just recompiling the kernal lately, not the entire source tree. Did a make buildworld/installworld then config'ed my kernal, make depend, make, no compilation errors this time. Now i just have to back up all of the user data and the box, cross my fingers and do a make install =)

Cheers for the help all the same guys!

- dave